We're excited to announce that with new funding for the group, we can offer support with the menopause to our fellow Grandsharents!

After hearing that some of our nanas are really struggling in this area, we sought out funding so we can offer support at the group.
We're delighted to announce that with recent funding from the Heart of England and Northfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme, we can now deliver Health and Wellbeing Sessions surrounding the menopause.
We're always looking for ways to support the members of our group in other areas of their lives. In the past, one of the nanas who is trained in aromatherapy and Reiki, gave some of the nanas head and shoulder massages while we kept an eye their grandchildren. And one of our nanas is a hairdresser who has been asked by other nanas for haircuts in their home!
Now with this new funding in place, we can offer some much needed support for anyone in the group who is struggling with this time of life.